UPDATE 17th Jan. Customers using redirect services on our partner registrars website enomcentral.com may be experiencing loss of services after the past couple of days of maintenance.
More info will be published once we know more. Sorry for the inconvenience.
UPDATE: – We are extending our maintenance window through 8:00 PM GMT 16th Jan. We apologise for the inconvenience this causes, and very much appreciate your patience. We will continue to provide any updates as they become available.
January 15, 2022, our partner registrar eNom will complete a data centre migration. As part of this work, the Enom Production Environment will be offline from 2pm for up to 12 hours.
Any requests sent during the above time frame will be queued and resubmitted once the migration work is complete. Rest assured, the following services will remain operational:
DNS will continue to resolve normally
Email will remain fully operational; customers will see no impact to their service
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate your patience.