Our HTML website ranked #1 for search terms like “paypal domains” “paypal domain” and “paypal web hosting” back in the early days. All you needed then was a few pages with those phrases in the titles, description and keyword tags and a smattering throughout the body of the page.
I’m going to follow a few simple rules and try and attain that hot spot again. You can probably see my next post coming up which will probably titled PayPal Web Hosting. If it is I’ll add a link 😉
The plan is to pester Google, hopefully daily with some blog posts page edits and a fair smattering of keywords. After a while the search engine bots will keep coming every day to see if anything has changed or been added. When I have the bots attention I’ll add the phrases a little more but not too much.
I use a Firefox browser plugin called SEO Quake. This plugin allows you to do a lot of research into how your website is performing and diagnosis. I’ve just had a quick check and the Google bot last cached my home page on the 3rd Jan. It’s still the 5th as I’m writing this. Ideally I need them coming every day.
I know I should try for nearer 500 words but I’m going for the little and very often option to get noticed.
And for the keen eyed, you may have noticed I named the images PayPal Domain & Paypal Domains.