We will be enabling our Default SPF Record on all domains that
currently don’t have an SPF record on 03/05/2023 at 23:00 BST.
An SPF record is an authentication system that tells other mail servers who is
allowed to send E-mail on behalf of your domain and is now is now
required by other mail providers such as Gmail.
If you have a custom SPF record on a domain already then this will stay
in place and won’t be affected by this change.
If you are currently having issues sending to mail providers such as
Gmail then you can enable the default SPF Record now by navigating to
Domain Control on our control panel and ticking the Default SPF Record
tick-box in the Manage area.
You do not need to take any action as this change will be applied
automatically for you.
You can activate the SPF record via your control panel, please see our previous blog post.